Healthy working lives
Our goals and ambitions for a healthy working life are based on UN Sustainable Development Goal #8
The number of employees in the Group (FTEs) totalled 2,296 in 2023. 63% of the employees work in Greenland, while 20% work in Canada.
Under section 99b of the Danish Financial Statements Act, a company of Royal Greenland's size must set targets for the proportion of the underrepresented gender in the executive management body (Supervisory Board), as well as for other management levels five years back and explain when the targets are expected to be met.
At Royal Greenland, we want to create a good framework for all employees in a safe and healthy working environment that contributes to a proud work culture.
It is our responsibility to ensure that our suppliers maintain high employee welfare standards.
Royal Greenland trades in a global market, with many different stakeholders. It is therefore important that relevant employees are aware of the risks which their jobs may entail.