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Salmon fried with herbs and chicken stock on a ravioli of kohlrabi with spicy cream cheese and peanut sauce

Salmon fried with herbs and chicken stock on a ravioli of kohlrabi with spicy cream cheese and peanut sauce

  • Salmon
Time:45 min.
Time:45 min.


10 salmon portions, thawed

500 ml chicken stock, hot

1 bunch of dill

1 bunch of chervil

2-3 kohlrabi or turnips

800 g cream cheese

1 bunch of basil

5 cloves of garlic

600 g unsalted peanuts

200 ml pickled jalapeños

1 litre coconut milk

50 ml lemon juice

150 ml oyster sauce

50 ml soya sauce

3 tbsp tomato purée

salt and white pepper

Cooking instructions

Blend the unsalted peanuts with the pickled jalapeños, coconut milk, lemon juice, soy sauce and the tomato purée. Season the peanut sauce with salt and pepper.

Mix the cream cheese together with the crushed garlic and chopped basil, and season to taste with salt and pepper.

Peel the kohlrabi and thinly slice on a meat slicing machine or a mandoline. Separate equally large slices, and spoon the cream cheese mixture onto them. Fold the kohlrabi slices around the cheese and arrange on a dish or on plates. Then pour the peanut sauce over them.

Fry the salmon portions on a dry frying pan over a high heat until they are golden.

Pour the hot chicken stock into the pan and glaze the salmon. Add the chopped dill and chervil and season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately with the kohlrabi ravioli and peanut sauce.

Next recipe: Fried scallops with peas and dill oil