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Smoked fish

With more than 30 years of experience and the very highest standards within food safety, Royal Greenland produces smoked fish of the best quality

Royal Greenland has produced smoked and marinated fish since 1988 and employs staff with over 20 years’ expertise in producing the very best quality. We use only the best fish for our production and are attentive towards every step of production, especially food safety. Royal Greenland's smoked product assortment has a very high food safety and the risk of listeria growth is eliminated for the entire shelf life

Smoking factory and products

Royal Greenland produces all of its smoked and marinated products at a factory in Denmark.

Types of fish

For our smoked and marinated production, Royal Greenland uses 1 type of fish:

  • Atlantic salmon

Only the best

Only the best

Royal Greenland only selects fish of the highest quality for our smoked products to ensure the highest food quality by using the very best raw material available
Read more about Quality


The salmon is shipped from selected suppliers in Norway, and the quality is always “Superior”, which is the best possible quality rating. In Denmark, the fish are filleted and trimmed, and the pin bone is removed.

The fish is then either salted or marinated before being left to mature and dry. The drying ensures that the fish has a beautiful colour.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods

Each fish is carefully salted or marinated before it is left to dry for 2-3 days. the drying locks in flavours and gives the meat a beautiful colour.

The fish intended for smoked products is then smoked either hot or cold. The longer the period of smoking, the more intense the product’s smoky flavour will be. Cold smoking takes place at around 24°C and hot smoking at around 68°C.

Smoked with beech wood

Royal Greenland smokes Atlantic salmon over beech wood. Beech wood is a popular choice for smoking, because it burns for a very long time

After smoking or marinating, the skin is removed by machine and the products intended for our GOURMETtrim are trimmed of brown muscle. Prior to packaging, most marinated and cold-smoked products are sliced, while the hot-smoked products are left as whole fillets, typically with skin on.


Our marinated and smoked products are available in a variety of packaging such as MAP, foil packaging or skin-pack, depending on both the size and intended market.

Quality control

Royal Greenland has the highest standards of food safety, especially with regard to the development of listeria in our smoked products. In collaboration with the National Food Institute at the Technical University of Denmark we have developed a method that provides a very high food safety and eliminated the risk of listeria growth during the entire shelf-life of our smoked fish. To eliminate the risk of listeria growth throughout the shelf-life of the cold-smoked products, Royal Greenland has strict control of three central areas:

  • Raw materials supplies
  • Daily cleaning
  • Stabilisation
Food safety

An integrated part of Royal Greenland is procedures for ensuring the highest standards within food safety

For Royal Greenland, food safety begins at the sea, where the fish is caught and landed at our factories, and we also ensure that our products are of the very best quality.

The hygiene when working with food production is an absolute top priority and Royal Greenland has daily procedures for disassembling and cleaning all machines and other production facilities between each daily shift.

In food production, good hygiene is of paramount importance and Royal Greenland has daily procedures for the dismantling and cleaning of all machines and other production facilities between each daily shift. These procedures ensure the highest standards in safeguarding a clean production environment that is based on the HACCP system – a systematic, preventive approach to food safety.

Finally stabilisation entails adding naturally-occurring organic acids during the salting process. A research study has shown that this procedure halts the growth of listeria during the product's shelf-life. The naturally-occurring organic acids do not affect the product's taste, appearance or health properties in any way.

As a consequence of this research and the method developed, the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries has issued a declaration stating that the amount of listeria in smoked products produced by Royal Greenland cannot multiply to dangerous levels during the products’ shelf-life.

Smoked and marinated fish in the kitchen

Marinated, hot- and cold-smoked fish are a popular and healthy delicacy full of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. At Royal Greenland we use the very best quality of fish for our smoked and marinated products. The intense smoked flavours are developed over several hours of smoking using Royal Greenland's specially developed technique.

Cooking with smoked fish

Royal Greenland's smoked and marinated fish is ready to eat, which makes it a perfect ingredient for any healthy meal that requires almost no cooking time. Our cold-smoked fish and marinated fish is ideal in a sandwich, accompanied by a creamy texture and a crisp flavour, or in a summer salad. For our hot-smoked fish, a salad of warm potatoes and fresh herbs with a light dressing will be the perfect complement to the complex flavours of the smoked fish.



See all of our recipes with smoked products here

See also

Read more about Convenience