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Vacuum pack

A vacuum pack is a robust packaging, that protects the delicate seafood optimally.

Vacuum packs have a solid facing in the shelf or cabinet. The display can be enhanced by convenient display cartons that are easy to handle for the store personnel.

Why choose vacuum pack?

  • Optimal preservation of the product
  • Displays the brand design well

Differentiate the vacuum pack

The vacuum pack has a large flat front and back which calls for a good view of the product in a see-through space. Moreover the choice of foil, lacquer effects and creative design can help position the product just right.

Examples of vacuum packs

Scroll through some examples from our brand universe.

100g. Premium, Smoked Greenland halibut, Vacuum pack

150g. Smoked Greenland halibut, Vacuum pack

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100g. Premium, Smoked Greenland halibut, Vacuum pack

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