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Royal Greenland's range of convenience products makes it simple to serve tasty fish in no time

Royal Greenland's convenience range is carefully designed and developed to meet the needs of busy chefs. With our range, we offer products in uniform, portionable sizes and enable chefs to save both preparation and cooking time and provide healthy, nutritious meals with delicious fish.


Royal Greenland's range of convenience products is mainly produced in Koszalin, Poland, through our cooperation with Espersen A/S. 

Our production of convenience provides a wide and diverse range of; 

Breaded fish

Breaded fish

Our breaded products are available in a range of different types of breading, beginning with the subtle Meuniére with only 8% breading of the finished product and ending with the traditional and popular 3-step breading of up to 46% breading. Our range of breaded fish also offers our special concepts within clean label, fully fried, ovenable, organic and gluten free breadings.
Explore our range of breaded fish

Battered fish

Battered fish

For our battered fish, we use our own 3-step system that coats the fish in a batter to turn the surface into a crispy and crunchy mouthful when cooked. Some products are pre-fried to make them oven-ready straight from the freezer.
Explore our battered fish

Marinated and topped fish

Marinated and topped fish

Our marinated and topped fish offer convenient product, ready to cook in the oven straight from the freezer. Flavour options include sweet chili, garlic and herbs, BBQ, red Thai, Indian curry and spicy tomato.

Stuffed fillets

Stuffed fillets

The stuffed fillet is a well-known crowd pleaser for all ages with its crunchy bite, creamy texture and mild flavorings. Our range offers a variety of fillings and all products are oven-ready to provide a truly convenient meal in just under 20 min.
Explore our stuffed plaice fillets

New product development

At Royal Greenland, we want to to stay on top of trends and inspire our customers with new and exciting products. At the same time, we work to meet the demands of our customers from markets across the world, making the process both proactive and reactive. This dynamic ensures, Royal Greenland continuously develops new concepts and adapts on our current range.

Explore Royal Greenland's product news

Our department for New Product Development in Svenstrup, Denmark is a key link between Royal Greenland, the industry and our customers. Here, everything from customer enquiries, adjustment of recipes and the development of new products, processes and technologies are handled. The development test kitchen collaborates closely with our production sites and has comprehensive knowledge of all ingredients and procedures, to invent, develop and test new products and recipes.

The process of developing a new product starts with an idea or a request from a customer. Our skilled product developers develop and test a prototype of the product and only when the recipe is perfected, a line test is conducted in the production halls. The line test ensures the recipe works well with the large, industrial equipment, and that the high quality is maintained in each step. Depending on the results of each step in the process, a product can travel backwards in the process for adjustments.
Once all prior steps are final, the product is submitted for tests from both laboratories who determine the nutritional values and end consumers who evaluate the sensory qualities of the product. If the product performs as desired on all parameters, it is ready for production. 

Quality control

Royal Greenland continuously works to secure a strict quality control in our own factories as well as our contracted facilities. Our main factories are all certified by BRC or IFS, and all factories have implemented strict HACCP procedures.

We test and sample all ingredients, the machinery, our packaging material and of course the finished product. A sample of each batch is stored and tested throughout the entire shelf life for optimal quality control. Finally, all products are registered in the SAP system for full traceability. 

Read more about our quality control here

Quality control is key

Quality control is key

At Royal Greenland quality control is an integrated part of the company and every procedure. All our products are thoroughly checked and tested before exiting the production fascility.

Convenience in the kitchen

With Royal Greenland's convenience products, it is easy to cook tasty fish in no time and our well-assorted convenience products provide the very best quality for our customers.



See recipes with our convenience products here

See also

Read more about From sea to table