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The North Atlantic Champion

We are closest to the fish,
closest to the customer
and closest to the consumer.

As a truly vertically integrated company, Royal Greenland is at the centre of a wealth of competences, cultures, knowledge and accumulated experience, bringing wild-caught, high-quality seafood from the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean to consumers around the globe.

The global presence of Royal Greenland has its origins in the vast areas of the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. Our own fleet of large ocean-going trawlers fish in the rich fishing grounds between Greenland and Eastern Canada, east of Greenland and as far to the North East as the Barents Sea.

Ashore in Western Greenland, and in Newfoundland and Quebec in Canada, independent fishermen land their catches to one of our more than 40 land-based facilities and factories spread along the coastlines. This local proximity allows Royal Greenland to access a variety of delicious, fresh seafood and sustains thousands of workplaces in the local communities.

In the global markets, local sales organisations develop the markets, advise customers and act as vital links between the supply from the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean and market-specific demands. Local sales teams are supported by local quality departments, as well as marketing and business development competences, ensuring a deep understanding of local customer and consumer needs.

We strive for the strongest market position in all global markets that hold long-term potential for our products.

We are closest to the fish, closest to the customer and closest to the consumer

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