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Fisheries in the Northern seas


The foundation of our business is the seafood in the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean. Our factories are supplied by our own fishing vessels, as well as by local fishermen, on a daily basis.

Royal Greenland is deeply rooted in fisheries throughout the Northern seas, with both our own vessels and collaboration with an extensive network of independent fishermen.

Inshore fisheries

Royal Greenland operates more than 40 local landing factories in Western Greenland, Quebec and Newfoundland, where the distance from fishing grounds to factory is short. The fishermen can deliver their fresh catches directly to the factory, where Royal Greenland takes responsibility for the raw material.

Local, inshore fisheries

In Greenland, dinghies are used both for private transportation and as fishing boats. Tradition and the latest technology are combined in the efforts to minimise manual workload while ensuring fish of the highest quality.

The fishing methods used inshore include line and hook, gill-net, trap catch and pound nets, which all have a low impact on the surrounding environment, and low fuel consumption.

Line & Hook
Greenland halibut, Cod, Redfish, Catfish
Lumpfish, Greenland halibut, Catfish, Cod
Trap catch
Pound net

Seagoing fisheries

Fishing in the open sea is undertaken by seagoing factory trawlers. On these vessels, the fresh fish or shellfish is hauled on board, sorted, processed and frozen within a few hours, providing seafood of extremely fresh quality.

Royal Greenland uses bottom trawling, where two rollers hold the trawl down, so that there is minimum damage to the seabed. Royal Greenland does not use beam trawls, as these has much more impact on the seabed.

Danish seine
Plaice                                                                .


Otter trawl
Prawns, Greenland halibut, Plaice
Pelagic trawl
Cod, Saithe, Haddock, Mackrel

The trawlers operate in all weather conditions, and the annual planning is continuously subject to change, should the winter sea ice come earlier than expected, or a storm head in our direction. But besides the weather conditions, the fishing quotas and the abundance of fish define the sailing routes. From long experience we know when and where to harvest seafood of the finest quality, in the right season.

See also

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