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Royal Greenland

Cod loin, skinless

80-100g, PBO, 5 kg, frozen

Cod loin, skinless
Cod loin, skinless
  • Species Gadus morhua
  • Item number 130979829
  • Net weight incl. glaze 5500 g
  • Net weight excl. glaze 5000 g
  • Glaze (%) 8 - 12
  • Shelflife (days) 720
  • Storage Frozen
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Atlantic cod has a fresh and mild umami flavour with a slight sweetness to the firm, juicy meat. Thanks to the cod’s upbringing in the ice-cold and clean waters around Greenland, the meat is very white and the flavour fully developed. It flakes nicely when cooked and with its high protein and low fat it offers a healthy and nutritious meal.

The loin is cut from the dorsal part of the fillet, which is also the thickest and leanest part. Loins from the Atlantic cod are uniform in size and shape, making them ideal for portion-servings or buffets.

Read more about Atlantic cod

Catching information

  • Area Northwest Atlantic (FAO 21)
  • Method Hook and line, Pots and traps, Gillnets and similar nets
Explore our catching methods
Read more about Cod loin, skinless