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Royal Greenland

Lobster Canadian, whole, raw

500-550g, 5 kg, frozen

Lobster Canadian, whole, raw
Lobster Canadian, whole, raw
  • Species Homarus americanus
  • Item number 119200500
  • Net weight incl. glaze 5500 g
  • Net weight excl. glaze 5000 g
  • Glaze (%) 6 - 15
  • Shelflife (days) 720
  • Storage Frozen
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Canadian lobster from the cold waters of Newfoundland’s coast is a real luxury in both taste and appearance thanks to its beautiful red-colored shell, the spectacular large claws, and the delicate white meat with the mild, slightly sweet and nutty taste that is so enjoyable. The hard shell lobster is fully packed with firm meat. It is considered the tastiest, as well as the most nutritious lobster, as it is low in fat and high in protein.

The raw, whole lobster is individually packed in a “mesh sock” and is easy to store as well as it has many cooking possibilities. After thawing and cooking the lobster it appears in its fascinating red color, ready to be served cold or hot.


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Catching information

  • Area Northwest Atlantic (FAO 21)
  • Method Pots and Traps
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Read more about Lobster Canadian, whole, raw