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Safety at sea on board the trawlers

On board Royal Greenland's ocean-going trawlers, safety exercises are conducted between each crew shift.

When a crew boards a ship, it's important that everyone on board knows their responsibilities, roles and duties in relation to the safety of the crew and the ship. That's why maritime safety is trained between every crew shift.

During the exercises, all employees are trained in various safety exercises, including man overboard and boat- and fire-roller. A boat-roll exercise is a training of evacuation in case the alarm goes off e.g. if the ship is severely damaged. A fire-roll exercise is training in the position and responsibility of the crew in the event of a fire.

Before each crew shift and before the trawler leaves port, a Safety Committee is established, responsible for the particular trip.

The Safety Committee has representatives from all areas of work and typically consists of:

  • Captain
  • Chief Officer
  • Fishermen on deck
  • Factory managers
  • Cook
  • Chief engineer

The committee holds regular meetings and reviews injuries, incidents and near incidents on each voyage and documents these in reports that form the basis for safety improvement initiatives.

Meeting minutes and reports from the safety committee are reviewed by the Danish Maritime Authority when they routinely come on board on inspection visits.

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