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Recruitment starts early

At Royal Greenland, recruitment is also education, and we start in the youngest primary school classes by telling them what goes on in the country's largest workplace.

In Greenland, the ambition is to get more young people into education in order to strengthen the country's and the individual citizen's prosperity and employment. This applies not least to technical and maritime education programmes. Royal Greenland has a programme of communication and activities to help ensure that young people are motivated to get an education, and the company has a great responsibility to ensure that more apprentices and students in the fishing industry complete their education.

Ungaaq Abelsen works as an Education Consultant in Royal Greenland's HR department in Nuuk and is one of the employees who develops and organises communication, activities and education targeted at current and future students and apprentices.

"Royal Greenland is the country's largest workplace and we have so many exciting career opportunities - we have become much better at communicating this" says Ungaq and adds "We start with initiatives already with the youngest children in primary school, they think it's really exciting that our fish here from Greenland is eaten by people all over the world. As they get older, they become more interested in education and job opportunities, and we want them to realise that Royal Greenland is an exciting company with many different opportunities."

The programme is divided into three phases:


Before employment

Communication and activities are targeted from the youngest primary school pupils to high school, vocational and university students who have not yet considered employment at Royal Greenland. The focus is on spreading knowledge about the fishing industry and about education and career opportunities.

  • The Education Caravan with the Centre for National Guidance in Greenland
    A caravan of companies and educational institutions that visit the major educational towns in Greenland every year with the aim of meeting and networking with future students, pupils or employees.

  • School visits to primary schools, upper secondary schools, vocational programmes and universities
    Individually organised visits with a focus on information about education and job opportunities.

  • Internship programmes and assignment writing
    We support Greenlandic students during their studies, regardless of whether they are part of a trainee programme in the company. This can be as a business case in an assignment or a shorter or longer internship in a factory, at sea, in an office in Greenland or at one of our destinations around the world.

  • Summer jobs
    We offer summer jobs at almost all our locations in Greenland, giving you the opportunity to try out your job and life in another part of Greenland.

  • Career fairs in Denmark
    We participate in career fairs in Denmark that are aimed at Greenlanders who want to return home or Danes who want to work in Greenland for a shorter or longer period of time.

Career fairs

"We travel with our small stand on education caravans and to career fairs in Greenland and Denmark" says Ungaaq "It's always exciting to meet the students and talk to them about what opportunities Royal Greenland can offer"

During the apprenticeship programme

Royal Greenland Academy supports students throughout their apprenticeship with a focus on both professional and personal well-being through a mentoring programme, bootcamps with other students and connection to managers who have completed the internship supervisor course.

"We expect our students to show willingness and commitment," says Ungaaq Abelsen, "and when they do, we go out of our way to support each individual to ensure they get the most out of their apprenticeship with us."

There is a focus on both academic and social well-being during the training programme.

  • Mentoring programme
    Trainees are offered a mentoring programme where they are accompanied by a company employee who can support them throughout the programme.

  • Competent internship supervisors
    Training programmes in internship guidance are provided for managers and employees so that they are trained to assist students in the best possible way.

  • Bootcamp with other interns
    Bootcamp is offered to all our 2nd year students and is a one-week course in personal development, collaboration and experience exchange with other students who are at a similar stage of their education. Bootcamps are held in Kangerslussuaq, Greenland in the spring and evaluations show that students feel better prepared to complete their education after this week.
Students at bootcamp

2nd year students from Trawler, Factory and Office meet in Kangerlussuaq. The programme focuses on personal development, teamwork and job satisfaction, as well as building relationships and friendships across the organisation.

Permanent employment

Training and development does not stop after the end of the apprenticeship, but continues throughout employment. Royal Greenland Academy offers various options for individually organised further education and upskilling, as well as the so-called Sulisa+ courses focusing on work culture, job satisfaction and well-being at work.

Royal Greenland Academy also offers a wide range of regulatory courses and seminars, as well as training for the fishermen who deliver to the factories.

Read more about Royal Greenland Academy here


See also

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