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On tour with the ”Education roadshow”

Every year, Royal Greenland travels around Greenland with the “education roadshow” to meet talented, young people.

The Greenlandic Centre for National Guidance has as its role to create a framework for the development and evaluation of guidance initiatives towards residents seeking information on education. Every year, they organize the “education roadshow”, a tour to the larger towns with educational institutions in Greenland.

The roadshow targets the town’s residents and lower secondary school pupils. Greenlandic companies can sign up for the roadshow to meet potential employees and talk about the opportunities in the individual companies. The participating companies put a lot of efforts into presenting opportunities for internships in various educational disciplines.

Royal Greenland's goal is to have at least 50 students and apprentices connected to the company. The roadshow is an excellent opportunity to meet talented young people and inform them about the opportunities available in a global company like Royal Greenland.

"We get a lot of good conversations with potential students and employees around Greenland" Says Ungaaq Abelsen "Even though we are present in most towns and settlements, we still need to be good at telling people about the many education and job opportunities we offer both locally and internationally".

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