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MSC Re-Certification of the West Greenland cold-water prawn fishery

On January 29, the Public Certification Report for the West Greenland cold-water prawn was released without objections. This means that after a reassessment and as a result of annual surveillance audits, the West Greenland cold-water prawn fishery will continue to be certified according to the MSC's requirements for sustainable fisheries for another five years after this date.

The West Greenland cold-water prawn fishery was first MSC certified in 2013, as the first cold-water prawn fishery internationally and the first Greenlandic fishery to be certified. Hereafter it has been re-certified in 2017/2018 and now again in 2023/2024. Throughout the years the fishery has welcomed annual surveillance audits.

See the full Public certification report here

"We are pleased to once again receive the certification for this important fishery," says Lisbeth Schönemann-Paul, Sustainability Advisor at Royal Greenland and Chairman of Sustainable Fisheries Greenland.

"The cold-water prawn fishery is of great importance to Greenlandic society, and therefore it is of the utmost importance that it is managed sustainably so that it can contribute to the country's long-term growth and prosperity. It is also important for our customers that our products carry the blue MSC label, so it is easy to see that the products have been fished sustainably."

Sustainable Fisheries Greenland

The management of the fishery is performed by ‘Sustainable Fisheries Greenland’, an organization that is supported by all stakeholders to the Greenlandic fisheries, and works with fishers, researchers and the industry to ensure that the Greenlandic fisheries are managed sustainably.



See also

Next news: FIP on Newfoundland lobster fishery in phase 4