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Royal Greenland increases investments in North American market


As the Greenland based company Royal Greenland continues to invest in resources in Canada, Chile, and beyond, the company also continues to invest in its sales and marketing capabilities in the North American Market.

In 2018 the Company set up a sales office in Boston, MA, and it is based on these first years of strong results in the market that the group has now decided to expand its activities further.

To spearhead the further growth of the market, Royal Greenland is bringing Soren Dalsager on board as CEO of Royal Greenland US, Inc. Soren held a similar position in the Company from 1999 to 2008. Soren Dalsager’s new position will be based in Boston, MA with the current sales team and will be effective March 1st, 2021. Additional hire is expected in the months to come.

Royal Greenland product portfolio includes high-end seafood products, both fresh and frozen, such as snow and king crab, lobster, cold water shrimp, Chilean seabass, Greenland Turbot, cod, haddock, and other top-quality species.

The group is optimistic about the outlook for the North American market and believe the local sales team will be a key element to boost and maximize Royal Greenland’s portfolio sales to all channels of this market.

For further information please contact Group Sales Director Bruno Olesen on mobile +45 40 30 13 55

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