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Royal Greenland Chile ready for second full year


Ready for the second full year of fishing and processing in Chile, the local Royal Greenland operations have a positive prospect for the upcoming seasons.

Back in 2019 Royal Greenland invested in 50% share of the Chilean processer International Seafood, and at the same time, created a local sales setup with the name Royal Greenland Seafood Chile S.p.A., based in Santiago, Chile. The company is, since March 2020, headed by Henning Nielsen who has lived and worked in Santiago since 1993 and has a long career in senior positions of various food companies.

In 2021 the production will include the species Chilean seabass, Deepwater crab, - King crab and Sea urchin roe (UNI) fished by local, artisanal fishermen as well as by vessels partly owned by Royal Greenland. The processing will as previous years be carried out at International Seafood premises in Porvenir, Southern Chile, as well as with trusted partners further north.

“2020 was our first year, and it is clear that Covid-19 has slowed our progress, but based on the first seasons we are confident that we can maintain a consistent, high product quality and are ready to scale the production further” Says Claus Hansen, Purchasing Manager “Despite the differences from our northern hemisphere fisheries, our organization is well equipped for operating in the smaller communities where cooperation with and understanding of the individual fishermen are key to success” he adds.

Explore our Chilean products

Explore our Chilean products

Learn more about our available products from Chile in our industrial product catalog here

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Products from 2020 have been received well by customers in several countries. Especially the US market has shown interest in the highly coveted, white fillets, portions and H&G of Chilean seabass which is the first fishery to open in March 2021.

Later in the year also Chilean Deepwater crab and King crab as well as Sea urchin roe (UNI) will be available.

“We look forward to expand our high quality North Atlantic seafood assortment with these high-end Chilean products. We expect the Chilean Seabass fillets and portion will be great match to our growing customer base” says Soren Dalsager, CEO at Royal Greenland US.

For more information about the products, please contact our local sales office in Norwood, MA.


Royal Greenland US, Inc.

280 Summer Street, 5th floor, Boston, MA 02110
+1 781-352-8014

See also

Next news: Royal Greenland increases investments in North American market