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Representatives from Royal Greenland presented medals

Medal ceremony for Snowshoeing

Royal Greenland Board member Sara Heilmann and team leader of Logistics Greenland in Royal Greenland Ane Lynge presented medals to the winners of the snowshoeing competitions at the 2016 Arctic Winter Games.

The two women represented Royal Greenland as one of the main sponsors of AWG 2016.

Sara Heilmann and Ane Lynge presented 27 medals each to the gold, silver and bronze medallists in the snowshoeing competition at AWG.

“Royal Greenland had six employee representatives, as well as board member Sara Heilmann, representing Royal Greenland in different events at AWG 2016. It was in this context that Sara Heilmann and I handed out medals to the winners of the snowshoeing competitions,” said Ane Lynge.

Royal Greenland sponsored various items, including 9,000 bags of snacks containing winter-dried cod. Ane Lynge said there was lots of positive feedback on the dried cod.

The young gold medallists received an extra gift, as Royal Greenland gave them pins with the Royal Greenland logo.

AWG 2016

AWG 2016

The Arctic Winter Games 2016 will be held from the 6th. -11th. of March 2016, in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. During that week athletes will compete in fifteen different sports, approximately 2000 athletes, participants in cultural events, officials and press will come to Nuuk, and last but not least, 1.500 volunteers will be involved in the Games.
Visit AWG website

See also

Next news: Arctic Winter Games - Eventful days in Nuuk