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Nutaaq® – a new logo for a strong brand in the seafood industry


Nutaaq® cod entered the market 6 years ago and has become a well-established brand in the industry. To mark this, we have made a new logo, signifying the unique quality, process and freshness of Nutaaq®.

Many professionals in the seafood industry are today quite familiar with the Greenlandic word ‘Nutaaq’® and its meaning; a new innovative concept for cod developed by Greenlandic fishermen and the Maniitsoq-based Royal Greenland production unit on the Greenlandic west coast. This summer was the 6th season for fishing and producing Nutaaq, a season where a new Nutaaq logo has been added to boxes in order to pay tribute to the local artisanal fishery and the unique process and freshness of the product.

With a maximum of two hours from water to freezer, Nutaaq® cod entered the market as a brand-new cod experience. The unique processing method secures a product of high quality, beginning with the hands of local, Greenlandic fishermen and ending in the hands of our customers worldwide.

Over the past years, Nutaaq® has become a well-established brand in the industry and to acknowledge the Nutaaq concept and its strong market position, we have created a new logo. The new logo supports the story of Nutaaq’s® origin and tells of the fast processing, a characteristic for the Nutaaq® quality.

Be sure to look for the new logo on your Nutaaq packaging, guaranteeing the well-known quality of the Nutaaq® products from Royal Greenland.

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