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New vessel purchased by Ice Trawl Greenland A/S


The company Ice Trawl Greenland, where Royal Greenland holds 50% of the ownership, has procured a new longline fishing vessel that is fishing off the coast of eastern Greenland.

Masilik is primarily fishing in the sea off the coast of eastern Greenland, where the vessel will focus on fishing for cod and tusk. A smaller quote for cod off the coast of western Greenland has also been granted to Masilik, that is landing the catch at Royal Greenland's factories along the west coast.

The vessel started fishing the 20th of May.

Masilik is a robust vessel, measuring 50 by 11 meters and capable of holding up to 450 ton and space on board for 11 crew members. 



The Norwegian vessel was prior to purchase known as Carisma Viking, but is now re-named Masilik.

Ice Trawl Greenland A/S is co-owned by Royal Greenland and a group of private individuals from Greenland. The company also owns the trawler Nataarnaq. 

Next news: Royal Greenland maintains high earnings during the first half year