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Our heritage

Royal Greenland's history dates back to 1774. Since then, we have delivered high-quality seafood from the North Atlantic and the Arctic Ocean.

Royal Greenland’s headquarters are situated in Nuuk, the capital of Greenland. Greenland is the world's largest island – and bigger than France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Great Britain combined. Yet it has only 56,000 inhabitants.

With its 2,166,000 km² Greenland is the world’s largest island. Despite its massive area, it is only inhabited by people along the coasts, where the ice is not permanent. The centre of the island is covered by the ice cap all year round.

Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Denmark together constitute the Kingdom of Denmark. The history of Royal Greenland dates back to 1774, when trade in Greenland was established by the Danish State. At that time, The Royal Greenlandic Trade Department was founded. Responsibility for the trade was taken over by the Greenlandic Government in 1979, and soon after, the name Royal Greenland was established as a trademark for Greenlandic articles of particularly high quality.

Today, Royal Greenland A/S is an independent limited liability company, with 100 % of the shares owned by the Greenlandic Government.

At the heart of Royal Greenland’s business stands the long traditions of the local fishing communities in Greenland. Cold-water shrimp, Greenland turbot, snow crab, cod and lumpfish are some of the key species caught along the west coast of Greenland. The fishing, processing and seafood trades in Greenland form the basis for sustainable local communities in the country.

See also

Read more about By Appointment to the Royal Danish Court