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Royal Greenland

Shrimp, cooked & peeled, MSC

XL, 125-175 pcs/lbs, Single frozen, 12 x 8 oz, frozen

Shrimp, cooked & peeled, MSC
  • Species Pandalus borealis
  • Item number 105257225
  • Net weight incl. glaze 0.6 lbs
  • Net weight excl. glaze 0.5 lbs
  • Glaze (%) 8 - 12
  • Shelflife (days) 540
  • Storage Frozen
  • MSC certificate no. MSC-C-54912
View product sheet


This product belongs to our branded, premium tier range of high quality seafood from the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans.

  • Size XL (count 125-175)
  • Wild caught
  • MSC certified, sustainable fishery


The shrimp is packed in a vacuume inner bag for optimal protection, with an outer box for great display.

  • Solid packaging that doesn't break + optimal protection of the prawns
  • Attractive brand design that stands out in the freezer
  • FSC certified, carton from sustainable forestry

On pack description

The cold-water shrimp is known across the world for its delicate, sweet flavor with a firm and juicy texture to the meat. The shrimp is best served cold in salads, wraps, sandwich, shrimp cocktail and the like – just thaw and eat. Enjoy!

Since 1774, Royal Greenland has brought sustainably wild caught, high quality seafood from the ice-cold waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans to the world. Our main processing facilities are located in Greenland and Canada, close to the fishing grounds, and it is here we source the finest seafood. Royal Greenland is committed to creating prosperity and sustainable development within the communities that deliver our seafood.

Catching information

  • Area Northwest Atlantic (FAO 21)
  • Method Trawls