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Royal Greenland

Shrimp, cooked & peeled, MSC

L, 175-275 pcs/lb, Single frozen, 15 x 24 oz, frozen

Shrimp, cooked & peeled, MSC
Shrimp, cooked & peeled, MSC
  • Species Pandalus borealis
  • Item number 105257024
  • Net weight incl. glaze 1.7 lbs
  • Net weight excl. glaze 1.5 lbs
  • Glaze (%) 10 - 12
  • Shelflife (days) 540
  • Storage Frozen
  • MSC certificate no. MSC-C-54912
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These wild caugt cold-water prawns are a delicacy, with their pink colour and firm, juicy texture. From their origin in the ice-cold and clear waters of the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, the cold-water prawns grow slowly until reaching full size at 6 years. Due to the slow growth flavours and texture are given time to fully develop. The prawns are high in protein and low in fat, making them a healthy choice.   

The single frozen cold-water prawns are caught inshore close to our processing facilities, where they are peeled and cooked in a continuous process to preserve the delicate taste and texture. They are individually quick-frozen to make portioning easy directly from the freezer. Gentle thawing in the refrigerator preserves the natural flavours best.

Read more about our cold-water shrimp



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Catching information

  • Area Northwest Atlantic (FAO 21)
  • Method Trawls
Explore our catching methods