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Wok-fried shrimp with chilli and a green salad

Wok-fried shrimp with chilli and a green salad

  • Cold-water shrimp
  • Shell-on
Time:30 min.
Time:30 min.


1-2 kg shell-on shrimp, thawed

2-3 tablespoons crushed chillies

1.5 kg mixed green salad leaves
(e.g. cos lettuce, beet leaves and baby spinach)

100 ml red curry paste

200 ml lemon oil

Vegetable oil for frying

Salt and pepper

Cooking instructions

Rinse the salad leaves and if necessary cut into rough pieces.

Stir the lemon oil and curry paste together well and season with salt and pepper.

Fold the shrimp into the chilli and fry them in oil in a wok or pan for 5 minutes.

Serve immediately with the salad and dressing.

Next recipe: Smoked turbot roulade with cream of chives