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Shrimp salad with cucumber and red onion

Shrimp salad with cucumber and red onion

  • Cooked & peeled
  • Cold-water shrimp
Time:15 min.
Time:15 min.


750 g Royal Greenland shrimp
250 g cucumbers
150 g red onions
1 lemon
150 g ymer or natural yoghurt
75 g mayonnaise
1 bunch of finely-chopped dill
Salt and pepper

Cooking instructions

Cut and dice the cucumber and finely chop the red onion. Stir together the lemon zest, lemon juice, mayonnaise, ymer and dill. Mix in the shrimp, cucumber and onion, and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Serve with crunchy lettuce and warm bread.

Next recipe: Blinis