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Shrimp gazpacho

Shrimp gazpacho

  • Cold-water shrimp
  • Cooked & peeled
  • Cooked & peeled
  • Chilled
Time:15 min
Time:15 min


24 oz. Royal Greenland Shrimp, thawed, rinsed and strained

2 ½ lbs fresh tomatoes, chopped

1 green bell pepper, seeded and chopped

1 sweet onion, small, chopped

2 tbs fresh cilantro leaves, chopped

1 tsp garlic, minced

1 English Cucumber, chopped

1 cup tomato juice

2 oz red wine vinegar

2 oz olive oil

1 Tbs Sour Cream, garnish as desired

Cooking instructions

A cool, refreshing soup with a kiss of sweet shrimp flavor and texture. Highly nutritious, and just right for patio dining at a restaurant or at home.

Combine tomatoes, cucumber, juice, onion, vinegar, cilantro, olive oil, garlic, and pepper. Pour in tomato juice and gently fold in shrimp. Refrigerate until flavors marry. Serve with a dab of sour cream for tangy richness.

Applications: Serve festive chilled soup as dip, sandwich or salad accompaniment. Excellent as a main dish or with a size of crunchy bread or crispy corn tortilla chips.

Next recipe: Half lobster au gratin with ramen noodles and mushrooms (lobster thermidor)