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Seafood tower

Seafood tower

  • Cold-water shrimp
  • Snow crab
  • Lobster
  • Lumpfish roe
  • Chilled
Time:30 min
Time:30 min


10 oz cold-water prawns, cooked & peeled

10 oz cold-water prawns, shell-on

2 lobsters, cooked

3 snow crab sections

2- or 3-tiered tower for presentation

3,5 oz lumpfish roe

2 limes

1 lemon


Optional: dressings, a baguette or a salad on the side

Cooking instructions

Defrost the frozen seafood. We recommend slowly defrosting overnight in the fridge for up to 48 hours.

Split the lobsters and crack the claws, so the meat can be easily removed.

Put the lumpfish roe in a bowl.

Arrange the seafood on top of ice and garnish with lemon and lime wedges and dill.

Serve with dressings, slices of bread and a salad on the side.

Next recipe: Steamed fillet of plaice with sauté of fennel, capers and chilli