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Arctic shrimp roll

Arctic shrimp roll

  • Cold-water shrimp
  • Cooked & peeled
  • Luxury cooked & peeled shrimp
  • Chilled
Time:15 min
Time:15 min


24 oz. Royal Greenland Shrimp, thawed, rinsed and strained

1 cup mayonnaise

1 tbsp shallot, finely chopped

1 tbsp celery, finely chopped

1 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp fresh parsley, minced

1 tbsp fresh dill, minced

1 tbsp fresh chives, minced

Salt & pepper, to taste

Brioche rolls, buttered and lightly grilled

Cooking instructions

Succulent and slightly sweet cold water shrimp gently tossed with a fresh lemon and fresh herb dressing. Serve on a lightly grilled buttery brioche bakery bun.

Combine mayonnaise and spices in a large mixing bowl. Gently fold in shrimp and fresh herbs and lemon juice, using care not to overmix. Salt and pepper to taste. Top freshly grilled brioche roll with shrimp. Garnish with fresh dill or chives and lemon as desired. Serve immediately.

Applications: Serve as finger sandwiches or with a side of crunchy potato chips.

Next recipe: Cured scallops with cauliflower purée and passion fruit