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Royal Greenland

Chilean snow crab, cluster

Cooked, 200-250g, 15 kg, frozen

Chilean snow crab, cluster
Chilean snow crab, cluster
  • Species Paralomis granulosa
  • Item number 118913250
  • Net weight incl. glaze 36.7 lbs
  • Net weight excl. glaze 33.1 lbs
  • Glaze (%) 8 - 12
  • Shelflife (days) 720
  • Storage Frozen
View product sheet
Chilean snow crab, also known as False Southern king crab or Centollon crab, has a bright orange shell with a hairy surface. The meat has a loose texture and a mild, sweet flavour.
Our Chilean snow crab, originates from the southernmost parts of Chile where it is fished by local fishermen and processed locally in our own facility in Porvenir.

The ready-cooked clusters are carefully packed in the master, and is ready to thaw and use without further cooking or preparation.

Catching information

  • Area Southeast Pacific (FAO 87)
  • Method Traps