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Royal Greenland

Snow crab, sections, sea-cooked

8 - 10 oz, 30 lb, frozen

Snow crab, sections, sea-cooked
Snow crab, sections, sea-cooked
  • Species Chionoecetes opilio
  • Item number 118502000
  • Net weight incl. glaze 33.3 lbs
  • Net weight excl. glaze 30 lbs
  • Glaze (%) 8 - 12
  • Shelflife (days) 720
  • Storage Frozen
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Snow crabs are an ultimate delicacy from the North with tender and juicy meat that is packed with luscious and delicate flavors. They are caught in the northernmost parts of the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean, where the cold and clean surroundings make the crabs grow slowly, giving them time to develop their unique taste and texture. Snow crab is low in fat and rich in iodine, zinc, vitamin A and B12, making it a healthy meal with a true twist of luxury.

Snow crab sections are ready to eat after a gentle thawing in the refrigerator, because they are cooked prior to freezing. They are best suited for cold servings such as salads, on buffets, in sandwiches or in sushi, but can also be enjoyed in warm dishes such as risotto and pasta.

Read more about our snow crabs



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Catching information

  • Area Northeast Atlantic (FAO 27)
  • Method Traps
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