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Royal Greenland

Shrimp, shell-on, sea-cooked, MSC

90-120 pcs/kg = 41-54 pcs/lb, 12 x 2.2046 lb, frozen

Shrimp, shell-on, sea-cooked, MSC
  • Species Pandalus borealis
  • Item number 104634100
  • Net weight 2.2 lbs
  • Shelflife (days) 720
  • Storage Frozen
  • MSC certificate no. MSC-C-54912
View product sheet


This product belongs to our branded, premium tier range of high quality seafood from the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans.

  • Cooked, frozen and packed at sea
  • Size M (count 90/120)
  • Wild caught
  • MSC certified, sustainable fishery


This product is packed in a solid carton box.

  • Solid packaging that doesn't break
  • Window with UV filter for great product display, and optimal product protection
  • Attractive brand design that stands out in the freezer
  • FSC certified carton from sustainable forestry

On pack description

Royal Greenland Cold Water Shrimp are cooked and quickly frozen on board the catching vessel to ensure premium quality.

Using the shrimp directly after defrosting or add them to hot dishes just before serving, and you will certainly impress your family and loved ones.

Since 1774 Royal Greenland has been dedicated to providing premium quality seafood. All our products, in this Chinese assortment, are caught in the crystal clear waters surrounding Greenland, and are packed and shipped from Europe. We are appointed by the Royal Danish Court, and are devoted to providing premium seafood to families around the world.

Catching information

  • Area Northwest Atlantic (FAO 21)
  • Method Trawls