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Privacy Policy

Royal Greenland A/S, CVR-no. 10977231, 13645183, Qasapi 4, Postboks 1073, GL-3900 Nuuk, (“Royal Greenland” or “we”) is responsible (data controller) for processing your per-sonal data in a variety of situations.

At Royal Greenland, we believe it is important that you know how we use your personal data, and we kindly urge you to take a couple of minutes to familiarise yourself with our data protection policy as follows.

When do we process your personal data, and what data do we process?


How do we process your personal data and on which legal basis?

1. When you visit our website, we process personal data about you by using cookies, which you can read more about in our cookie policy, cookie policy. Our processing of your personal data using cookies is carried out pursuing a legitimate interest, including improving our website's performance and products. Your data will be deleted or anonymised after the cookie expires, or if you chose to delete it.

2. When you sign up for our newsletters, we process your personal data in order to send you marketing material regarding our products, including new products, recipes, items on sale, invitations, competitions, customer surveys, etc. We process your personal data pursuing a legitimate interest, i.e. providing you with the newsletters for which you have subscribed. Whenever you unsubscribe, you also withdraw your consent to receive marketing material from us, meaning that we will cease processing your personal data immediately after which we will delete or anonymise your personal data. We may store information about your consent after you have withdrawn it.

3. When you participate in our competitions e.g. on Facebook, Instagram or by e-mail, we process your personal data in order to carry out and conclude whichever competition you have chosen to participate in. We process your personal data pursuing a legitimate interest, i.e. including you in the competition(s) you have chosen to participate in. Your personal data will be deleted or anonymised when the competition has been concluded.

4. When you purchase our products, we process your personal data to fulfil our agreement with you or the company at which you are employed. Therefore, our processing is either necessary for performance of a contract to which you are a party or is carried out pursing our legitimate interest in fulfilling the obligations on our end in connection with a purchase and/or agreement between us and your employer. We will delete or anonymise your personal data when the order is complete, or the contract concluded, but we will keep some information necessary for bookkeeping purposes for five years after the end of the financial year in accordance with the Danish Bookkeeping Act.

5. When you apply for a job at Royal Greenland, we will process your personal data in order to evaluate you as a candidate and decide whether you fit the job position applied for - or perhaps another available job position, i.e. pursing a legitimate interest. If we find your application interesting, but do not have anything available at that moment, we may choose to keep your application for up to six months should a job opening come along, after which we will delete or anonymise your personal data. Sometimes, we will ask you for your consent to keep your job application for longer, in which case we will delete your personal data when the consent expires, or you withdraw your consent.

Who we transfer your personal data to

For regular document management, we use Microsoft Office 365, and consequently Microsoft Ireland Operations Ltd., in this regard, acts as a data processor.

Our e-mail communication is hosted and facilitated at Royal Greenland Seafood A/S in Denmark and at our headquarters, Royal Greenland A/S, located in Greenland. In this regard, Royal Greenland A/S and Royal Greenland group companies have all signed standard contractual clauses (issued by the European Commission) regulating data transfers and protecting personal data transferred between Royal Greenland EEA companies and Royal Greenland A/S in Greenland.

When you purchase our products, we may transfer your personal data to third parties, e.g. carriers to the extent necessary to deliver the purchased items to you.

When you apply for a job with us, we may transfer your application to one or more of our group companies if your job profile is relevant for these.

Withdrawal of consent

To the extent our processing is based on consent, you can, at any time, withdraw your consent by contacting us at

Your individual rights and who to contact

You may, at any time, by contacting us exercise your right of access, rectification, erasure or restriction of our processing of your personal data or to object to such processing or exercise your right to data portability.

In addition, you have the right to lodge a complaint about our processing of your personal data to the Danish Data Protection Agency, Datatilsynet, at Borgergade 28, 5., DK-1300 Copenhagen K, tel. +45 33193200, e-mail:

If you have any questions about our processing of your personal information, or wish to exercise your rights mentioned above, you can always contact us at

Read more about Cookiepolicy