Luxury cooked & peeled shrimp
Luxury cooked & peeled shrimp
Wild caught - delicate - delicious
Our premium, luxury cold-water shrimp are the finest quality selected from all our fisheries. The shrimp are wild caught in the coastal areas close to our local processing facilities in Greenland or Canada, and represents premium quality on all parameters – a true delicacy.
Product catalogue!
Product catalogue!
See all of our Luxury shrimps hereThe local fishermen land their fresh catch directly to the Royal Greenland processing facility. Here the shrimp are steam cooked, gently peeled, lightly salted, quick frozen and finally packed for distribution. The local fishery and the smooth processing ensures that the shrimps retain their sweet taste, firm texture and decorative pink color.
Cold-water shrimp, inshore
See how the finest shrimp are caught in the Disko Bay area in western Greenland.