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All Natural

Our way of certifying that our natural products are pure, sustainable and safe.

"All Natural" is our product promise of pureness, sustainability and food safety in all of our natural fish.

The All Natural logo and principles cover all natural fish in our range and are displayed on materials and packaging. The All Natural principles are not new to Royal Greenland, but are an integral part of how we work throughout the value chain. The principles frame our promise to you. 


  • No additives: the fish is clean, natural and not treated with any chemicals.
  • Glaze: the fish is glazed with pure water to protect it during transportation and storage.


  • Caught within quotas: all our fish is caught within quotas and in accordance with national and international legal standards. We also certify this for the fish that we buy.
  • Traceability: we have a full tracking record for our fish and packaging.

Food Safety

  • Quality control: all of our products undergo exhaustive quality control.
  • Quality certificates: all of our factories follow strict HACCP procedures and all larger production facilities are certified according to the British Retail Consortium or International Food Standard.


See also

Read more about Clean Label