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Our production sites

In Atlantic Canada Royal Greenlands owns 9 seafood processing facilities

In Atlantic Canada Royal Greenlands owns 9 seafood processing facilities of which 7 is located in Newfoundland and Labrador. The processing facilities process fresh landed crab, shrimp, lobster, turbot, cod, pelagics throughout the season of each specie. The plants operates in symbiose with the landing patterns.

Old Perlican

Acting Plant Manager: Chris Butler
Primary species: Prawns, Snow crab, Whelk, Scallop, Cod
Products: Cooked & Peeled, IQF, Crab sections/Cooked snow crab, In shell/cooked whelk, Scallops
Capacity: 195 t/day
Cold store capacity: 300 ton
Employees: 400 low/peak seasons



Plant Manager: Chris Fong
Primary species: Ground fish, Pelagics
Products: Split/salt fish, Block frozen capelin/herring/mackerel
Capacity: 38 t/day
Cold store capacity: 1000 ton
Employees: 30 low/peak seasons

Cape Broyle

Plant Manager: Barry Payne
Primary species: snow crab, pelagics, scallops, sea cucumber, cod
Products: Crab sections/cooked/RAW snow crab, Block frozen capelin/herring/
mackerel, Butterfly cut/gutted sea cucumber, J-Cut/H&G/HOG Greenland halibut
Capacity: 110 t/day
Cold store capacity: 75 ton
Employees: 135 low/peak seasons

Conche Seafood

Plant Manager: Stedman Letto
Primary species: Snow crab, whelk, Pelagics, Lobster
Products: Crab sections/Cooked snow crab, in shell/cooked whelk, Block frozen capelin/herring/mackerel, J-Cut/H&G/HOG Greenland halibut, Lobster fresh/frozen
Capacity: 145 t/day
Cold store capacity: 50 ton
Employees: 70 low/peak seasons


Southern Harbour

Plant Manager: Chris Butler
Primary: Capelin, heering, mackarel, lobster, ground fish
Products: Block frozen capelin/herring/mackerel, Fresh/frozen lobsteer
Capacity: 24 t/day
Cold store capacity: 80 ton
Employees: 50-100 low/peak seasons

St. Anthony

Factory Manager: Letto Stedman
Primary species: Prawn, Snow crab,
Products: Cooked & peeled prawns, Crab sections
Capacity: 30 t/day
Employees: 120 low/peak seasons

New Harbour

Plant Manager: Chris Fong
Live lobster holding and cold storage
Cold store capacity: 1000 ton
Employees: 4

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