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By Appointment to the Royal Danish Court

Royal Greenland has been appointed "Purveyor to the Royal Danish Court". We are proud to hold this special Royal Warrant and to supply the Royal Household.

For centuries, Royal Warrants have been granted to companies and individuals servicing and supplying the Royal Family and the Royal Household. In 1985, Royal Greenland was granted a Royal Warrant and we are proud to be a regular supplier of quality seafood to the Royal Danish Court.

The Danish royal family is a unifying figure for Greenland, the Faroe Islands and Denmark, and is very popular with the people. The royal family support export activities and take a great interest in the company. We are proud to have welcomed Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II and other members of the royal family to our facilities on several occasions.

A Royal visit in Maniitsoq

In the summer 2015, we proudly welcomed Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II in our newly established cod processing facility in Maniitsoq, Greenland

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