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In Royal Greenland’s factories in Greenland, Quebec, Newfoundland and Germany, fresh fish and shellfish are landed on a daily basis.

Royal Greenland owns and operates more than 40 landing and processing facilities in Greenland, Quebec, Newfoundland and Germany. The geographical spread of our processing facilities ensures proximity to both landing and primary processing, as well as to the markets.

Inside the factory

In the land-based factories, the fish and shellfish are stored on ice until they are processed according to the specifications preferred by our customers. The wide array of processing facilities offers a wealth of opportunities and our Innovation teams are constantly developing new consumer-relevant concepts.

Royal Greenland has advanced processing and packaging facilities in Germany and China that can further enhance the products and package them in consumer-ready packaging, in close proximity to key markets. All facilities have a high hygiene level and follow a systematic approach to food safety (HACCP), and most facilities are certified according to either BRC or IFS.


Royal Greenland offers full-line assortments of key North Atlantic species such as cold-water prawns, Greenland halibut, Atlantic cod, plaice, snow crab and lumpfish. Alongside these key species, we supply our customers with complementary seafood products that we source from outside the North Atlantic, to give them a full range of seafood to choose from.

Processing facilities

Processing facilities

Royal Greenland owns and operates more than 40 landing and processing facilities throughout the North Atlantic.
See our factories here


See also

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